Tuesday, November 28, 2006

crazy crazy day

so pretty crazy day today, but exciting none the less. ill begin from the beginning, since thats where you begin.
so this morning out in service i was with a couple of sisters and brothers in our hall, who shall remain nameless, by request. but for the sake of the story we will call them sister scared and sister laughes-alot. we were working in a part of town where animals are allowed to roam free and clear and humans are not responsible for them. it was in this part of town that our sister scared decided to take the first door. now sister scared is very afraid of dogs. so afraid she wont even get out of the car when on is around. now if it is a pit bull or something, i can understand her feeling but usually she feels this way about all our four legged friends. well at the first door she got out of the drivers side and walked around the front of the car to a house on the right side of the road. there was an elderly lady working in her yard. it seemed innocent enough. there was no fence and no sign of any dogs anywhere. so our sister scared begins her presentation as shes walking up to the house when all of the sudden a golden retriever comes skipping out form under the steps to meet her. now sister scared was very scared and even though the dog showed no signs of aggression (ie. barking, showing teeth, hair standing up) she still began to freak out. so much so that she ran back to the car and opened the first door she could find. now this happened to be sister laughs-alot door. now at this point everyone in the car was laughing hysterically only because it was a cute little golden retriever wagging its tail at her. so she jumps into the car on to sister laughs-alots lap and balls her self up and tries to close the door as best she could. now physically, even though she was hugging her knees, this was just not possible and with all the screeching and laughing the dog was looking at her like she was crazy. so i finally get a hold of myself and jump out of the car just in time to intercept the dog from licking sister scareds leg off. the lady who was out side comes hobbling up saying how ‘its ok’ and ‘its a nice dog.’ then i look over and she has like an nine inch knife in her hand! im was like WHA!! i was laughing sooo hard. the old lady with the knife was just the icing on the cake. so i hold off the dog and sister scared jumps out and runs to the other side of the care. needless to say sister laughs-alot along with every other person in the car were laughing alot :) i think we should compile a book about things that happen in field service. maybe like, the 'plight of the pioneers' im sure between us all we could come up with a best seller.

in other news, i was driving to the book study today and two raccoons, a baby and a mama, ( well i dont really know there relation but whatev) came darting out in front of me and it was raining and i came so close to killing them. but i didnt cuz i have excellent driving skills :). im sure if my mom was there she would have made me pull over so she could pet them.

then, earlier my cat started hacking up a hair ball and im like, hurry, levi put him in the bathroom, since levi was standing right there. so he grabs him and throws him in there and then a couple seconds later i hear levi say,'uh jenna, he came out' i was like, omg, levi why didnt you close the door!! but thats levi for you. so the cat scurried down the stairs and i still haven’t found anything…

2 more service days left!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

happy feet not so happy

at first i thought this picture was cute, then i saw happy feet. now im thinking not so much. overall i have to say i was a little disappointed in the film. i was expecting something a little more i guess. it was kind of weird with the real people and the cartoon penguins. i dont know what was going on there. it was no finding nemo thats for sure. it was cute though, and the rest of the afternoon vincent was going around repeating anything he could remember form the film, over and over. and over.

on a strange note, i had a post about my incident in the shower with cat shampoo and it disappeared. dont know how that happened so ill just reiterate the 10 sec version. basically i gave my cat a bath and then forgot to take out the cat shampoo so when i went in to shower i started to wash my hair with cat shampoo. i was scrubbing away and im like, hmm...that kinds smells funny...almost like oatmeal and flea repellent. then i figured it out and kind of freaked out. but needless to say i was flea free for several weeks and my hair was shiny. its a good laugh if you think about it.

on a side note, just got the new JW 2007 calendar in today, is it just me or are they using all real pictures now?? i kind of liked the artist rendition of biblical events. don’t get me wrong, i still like the new one. especially the may/june page with the sea turtle :) just a thought.