Sunday, March 04, 2007

would you like beef? or steak?

well, jess, dont worry, i haven't forgotten to post my story about the beach. its coming. but first, i have a really funny story about what happened today during lunch. let me just set the scene for ya. me, levi, and a brother we picked up form the airport to bring to daytona had just sat down in the daytona ale house for some foodstuff. we are all looking at the menu and levi is babbling to him self like he usually does. it sounds something like this:

levi:hmm...i havent been here in awhile...i wonder whats good....oh haha...look at that...burger?...nah....oh, you know i could really go for some fajitas....too bad there beef instead of steak. i dont do beef...hmm...maybe i
jenna: wait, wha...levi what did you just say?
levi: maybe ill go for some pasta.
jenna: no, did you?
john: yeah, i think he just did
jenna: levi, did you just say you dont want fajitas because they are beef not steak?
john: oh yeah, he just said that!

(at this point i start hysterically laughing and after several minuets of trying to regain my composer i finally get a hold of my giggles and am able to explain to levi his quotidian mistake.)

levi: what? i dont get it
jenna: levi, beef...and steak....ITS THE SAME THING!
levi: but...uh...

then the waitress comes over and we (john and i) have been laughing about this for some time. levi at this point is trying to argue that he though it was "ground beef" fajitas. and we are like....riiiiight, cuz they make "ground beef fajitas" alllll the time. so john asks the waitress

john: so, tell me, is there a difference between "beef" and "steak"

(im trying with all my might not to laugh out loud, but this is to no avail and what i end up doing is this spitting coughing laugh thing. quite gross)
the waitress looks confused and slightly concerned because of the sounds im making and looks questioningly at john.

waitress: i don't...why?

john: oh we were just wondering. (he grins profusely at levi and we begin to order.)

needless to say, it was quite the event. i laughed about it the whole day.

steak. beef. hahahah!
and people say IM the blond in the family. ha!


Blogger Jess said...

As amusing as that story was-actually I feel kinda dumb b/c I didn't get it at first either but whateva lol-I have to point out that you forgot the beach story again...on the bright side, I'm very proud of your fast update!

3/04/2007 4:31 PM  
Blogger Jenna said...

hehe. i guess i did. i got so carried away with my lunch story! ill get around to it. its not that great of a story. its probably all build up anyway. if you don’t believe me, ask nick about how i build things up. its not intentional. but i do. and then your like...oh...THAT was the beach story...(cricket cricket). so im just letting you know, don’t be expecting anything great. i wouldn’t want to disappoint you. its kind of a hard to express in words as well, its much funnier if you see the story being told if you know what I mean. i can write it, but its just not the same.

3/04/2007 4:36 PM  
Blogger Nick said...





3/04/2007 5:28 PM  
Blogger Levi said...

I was talking about ground beef....


3/05/2007 1:47 PM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Although I'm not one to easily come to the defense of Levi....Okay maybe I am, but anyway, when you order from Taco Bell and get a burrito, you can get it with 1)Beef,2)Chicken,or 3)Steak. You can check it and see for youself. Going to Chicken or Steak is an upgrade. Otherwise, you would get just regular "Beef". Hope that ends the confusion. Although now we may be confused on who to laugh at, Levi or the two that have apparently never eaten at Taco Bell. Perhaps the confused waitress is a clue. And yes Jenna, you ARE the Blonde of the family....But we still love you!

3/05/2007 2:30 PM  
Blogger Jenna said...

while you point is valid jimmy, i must argue, i have never seen beef (as in ground beef) as an option at a sit-down restaurant. especially not the Ale House. and one must conclude that at a place such as the Ale house, where your choices are chicken or beef, you assume the beef is indeed…steak. now, levis whole, “oh I though it was ground beef…” excuse came much later after the event. and when confronted as too what the difference between beef and steak was, he was indeed, speechless. therefore, one could conclude that levi had a lapse of judgment and indeed stole one of my blonde moments. not to worry. i wont be pressing charges.

3/05/2007 3:02 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

But if you do, I'll represent you.


3/05/2007 3:35 PM  
Blogger Loca4Life said...

HeY jEnNa!! ItZ aLyShA!

4/24/2007 1:11 PM  

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