Saturday, September 16, 2006

i have an owey

well well, what a day. i have to admit that volleyball was fun, up until the point my wrist began to ache. and even now i cant seem to bend it forward. im afraid of what tomarrow brings... i think i found my nook in serving and all thanks to jimmy and his five dollar lesson, but that's about all i can do. i put up pictures on the pictulog so make sure to check them out. i have to say levi diving horizontally the whole night was definitely a sight to see. if only one could capture such moments on camera. just try to imagine him diving thought the air with his "o rly" face on. thats pretty much what it looked like. oh by the way check out this uber big grasshopper-thingy we found. i dont dont what is was but it was big.
only in ocala...

i shall put up pics from dinner up tomarrow. im to tired tonight.
so night night yall.


Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Man, I give you lessons in serving and I get no props by pics of my presence there??? What's the dilly yo. Next time you guys have to sing too. Anywizzle, just put some icy hot on that thing and you'll be okay. Don't worry, you can still open you bible and preach with the left hand.

9/16/2006 9:17 PM  
Blogger Jenna said...

jimmy, im so sorry i forgot, iv added that very imporant part in. i dont know why you hid form the camera though...i guess we were too busy playing to take a whole bunch of pics. next time ill take a whole slew.

9/17/2006 5:28 AM  
Blogger Levi said...


9/25/2006 2:28 PM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Yeah that's right you better!!! Jenna henna where you benna? Neways, you missed your brother and I doing the dueling dives. Maybe we should get video of that next time. Have fun down there and tell alls hizzellos.

9/25/2006 8:41 PM  

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