Monday, March 05, 2007

opinion poll


yes? no? maybe? sometimes? never?

post your response and your reason why.

popular vote will win it!

(yes i will admit if i'm wrong)


Blogger Nick said...

All steak is beef, but not all beef is steak.

Just like all Toyota Corollas are cars, but not all cars are Toyota Corollas.

Therefore, Levi was not totally wrong when he said "too bad it is beef instead of steak" because not all beef is steak.

I would have laughed at him though.

3/05/2007 3:13 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

As Nick's future paralegal, I can't actually give my opinion....wait that's legal advice. I agree with my lawyer though

3/05/2007 7:50 PM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

To make Nick's point even more clearly defined, steak doesn't even have to be just from beef(i.e. a piece muscle taken from inside in a cow)

A 'steak' can be taken from other meats as well. You can see the definition here.

It goes on to say "Occasionally, other meats are called 'steak'. For example, lamb leg can be cut into steaks across the bone."

Even Fish can produce a Steak.
"A fish steak is a portion of cut perpendicular to the backbone, as opposed to a fillet, which is cut parallel to it. For the steak to hold together during cooking, the flesh must be rather firm; fish that are often cut into steaks include salmon, swordfish, halibut, turbot, tuna, and mahi mahi. The larger fish make boneless steaks; smaller fish (such as salmon) make steaks which include skin, meat, a section of backbone, and rib bones. Smaller fish such as mackerel are sometimes cut into similar portions for curing, but these are usually not called 'steaks'."

So to pointedly answer your question....No, Beef and Steak are not always the same.

On the other hand, when most people think of steak, the origin of the meat that first comes to mind is from the BEEF of a Cow. So yes, most people associate Steak with Cow and could be used synonomously when referring to beef.

However, that same article also stated "...that steaks have a premium price and perception; the idea of eating steak is a signifier of relative wealth." So when someone refers to 'Steak', they are not referring to any type of 'beef' that may come along. Eating steak has always had the connotation eating something of higher grade or better quality. The ambiguity and all inclusiveness of the term 'beef' does not suggest such.

So, in Levi's case and in general, Steak is not on the same level as Beef and therefore cannot be the same.

*For more references and examples (besides the ones found in Taco Bell that I mentioned in the last post) most Mexican restaraunts give you the choice of having your dish made with some or all of the following;Beef, Chicken,Steak,Pork,Pulled pork, or even Shredded pork. [How Pulled and shredded are different is a whole other discussion] Which again refers to the distinction of 'Beef' vs 'Steak'.

3/05/2007 8:07 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

Jimmy's point brings into question the difference between steak and Steak. Like he said, 'steak' in the general sense can be a certain cut of different kinds of meat, like Salmon steaks.

But, I think "Steak" used in the proper noun sense 99.9% of the time infers beef.

3/05/2007 8:10 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

So I'm not sure what the answer is to the beef/steak question yet but I just remembered...I still haven't heard the beach story. Even if it's not as funny reading it, you have my interest peaked lol

3/11/2007 11:32 AM  
Blogger Bones said...

i've finally updated.

3/12/2007 2:34 PM  
Blogger Am I Right? said...

i dont really care, its all good..
"beef/steak its whats for dinner!"

3/24/2007 10:38 AM  

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